Friday, April 29, 2016

The Reflection of Shadows: Halos

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments


                                    You can lie to yourself.
                                          Deny your heart.
                                                Block your memories.
                                                    You can build wall after wall after wall,
                                       The truth will leak through the cracks that form over time.

                                     You will feel a sudden rush- unrecognizable at first,
                                           But eventually you will become
                                                                        In memories,
                                                                        In change.
                                                                        In doubt.

                                   You will remember:
                                         What we used to be.
                                              What we no longer are.
                                                      How our halos have tilted,
                                                                   Shadowed our faces.

You will remember:
Once we were angels.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday Mantra (National Poetry Month Special Edition): To A Stranger

mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".

Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.

Monday Mantra: Be kind to one another
Sweet Colors Gallery

This world can feel big and overwhelming. It can feel scary and strange. It can also feel warm, loving, and kind. The difference in the way we view the world lies in the way we view each other. 

If we are afraid of one another because of our differences, if we judge without first understanding, if we choose a close mind over an open heart, the world will not just feel big and overwhelming and scary- it will become that. 

If, on the other hand, we remain open to others perspectives, we choose kindness over ill-placed convictions, and we genuinely look for the good in each other, the world will become a place we can all live in together and unafraid.

To A Stranger

If you only knew the things I’ll never say,
The visions in my head that play out every day.
If you only knew all of my regrets,
The things I can’t undo, the words I should have said.
If you only knew the disaster that I feel,
The worst mistake of all that holds my future still.
If you only knew the things I’ll never say,
The words that can’t escape that I hold in every day.
If you only knew the thoughts that I can’t share,
Afraid that you might walk away these thoughts stay hidden here.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Reflection of Shadows: She's Going to Change the World

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments

She's Going to Change the World

I’m going to change the world,
I’m going to change your mind,
I’m going to change the pleasures and pains
That bring so much strain to your life.

I’m going to change the world,
I’m going to heal the sick,
I’m going to bring comfort and peace to the mothers
That scream for the children they miss.

I’m going to change the world,
I’m going to mend your heart,
I’m going to love you, bring you some comfort
Until finally the emptiness parts.

I’m going to change the world,
I’m going to open your eyes,
I’m going to show you the things that are folded
And hidden away in the lies.

I’m going to change the world,
I’m going to start with you,
I’m going to take you, rattle you, shake you
Until you wake up to the truth.