A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".
Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.
Monday Mantra: revolution; noun. A dramatic and wide-reaching change in the way something works or is organized or in people's ideas about it.
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Becoming me. It's been no small task. I had to be 195 people first. |
I'm having a little...lifealution? Revolifetion? A life revolution. I'm actively trying to re-organize my life into new, better, wiser pieces.
Last year was busy in so many good ways, but the end kicked my butt in a most majestic fashion. Truly, awards should've been given to the universe. I mean the flair, you guys! The timing! Unbelievable.
In a matter of three months, the following happened:
I broke a toe right when I had two trips happening, both of which required extensive walking and climbing of very, very, very steep hills.
A few weeks later, I had a very minor medical procedure that was supposed to have a very minor healing time. Of course, that wasn't the case. To aid in the healing, I was supposed to wear compression stockings for a day or two. If you're unfamiliar with compression stockings, just imagine trying to fit your legs into skinny jeans 14 sizes too small that only come up to your thighs. Things bulge all over the place in weird and interesting ways. Then you have to figure out how to wear regular clothes over them, which is impossible because nothing looks normal about a body in compression stockings!
I planned everything out so it would happen over the weekend and I could be back to normal come Monday.
I ended up having to wear those bitches for a full 7 days. A work week, you guys. A WORK WEEK.
The day after I took the stockings off I fell so magnificently in my back yard that I busted my knee cap open. Badly. The impact was so bad I literally limped for weeks. I kid you not, it just fully healed this month.
December, all by itself, was a doozy. First, my husband and I got stuck in New Zealand (not a terrible place to be stuck, I know) because of flight problems you can't even imagine (don't worry, you won't have to imagine them; I'm saving that story for another day!).
The whole month was rough because my furry baby tore his ACL and was still dealing with an illness, which resulted in a gazillion vet appointments, medical bills, and many long sleepless nights.
And then, right when the year was ending and everything was slowing down so I could finally catch up, I got the flu. The flu then caused my vestibular system to get out of whack, so I started 2019 all jacked up and a little discombobulated.
Pretty sure I'm forgetting a few things, but you get the gist.
I normally like to use the end of the year to prep myself for the new one coming up. Because I had no choice in the matter this round, my new year is just starting. I just organized my calendars. I just took down holiday decorations. I just got October, November, and December to-do items accomplished.
I just realized I needed a change.
That's how it happened. That's how it's happening still.
I realized that trying to start everything on January 1, right along with the calendars, is ridiculous. I need more time. I bet you do, too.
The immediate jump from holiday festivities, and holiday eating, into nothing but smoothies and spinach? Nope. Not happening.
Why do we set such a hard and fast deadline to start all the new things, and to start them perfectly, after such a full, crazy-busy time of year? It's bonkers, you guys. Bonkers.
What if we eased into the new year? What if January was the warm up month and February was the real start? What if we allowed ourselves some space to breathe between all the fa-la-la-la-la-ing and the nothing-but-kale diets?
Say it with me, my friends: We deserve better. For ourselves. For our sanity. For the love of leftovers from the holidays.
Today, I decide how my time will be spent. Today, I begin a step towards living outside of what the calendar has deemed "a new beginning." Today, I decide when my beginning really begins.
Let's work together to build our own clocks, our own calendars, our own personal time frames.
Start here with me, friends. Design your own beginning.