Monday, December 13, 2021

It's been a while...

Hello Friends - I'm back. 

2021 both did and didn't turn out as expected. For instance, I did not get my new website anywhere near where I wanted it to be (as noted in my last post) but I did have a major life event as I'd hoped; my husband and I welcomed a baby girl into the world. 

This year has been both long and short, energizing and exhausting, bizarre and beautiful, surprising and completely expected - all at the same time. So for now, and when time permits, I'm back to this blog and new thoughts that are, of course, spurred on by my transition from Dog Mom to Human Mom and, as always, the endless amount of things happening in the world.

And since I've had almost a whole year full of all kinds of thoughts and no writing, well...get ready. 

I have a lot to say.

For tonight, I have anywhere from 1 hour to 5 mins until baby girl wakes up for her hobbit-like second dinner, so let me leave you with a few parting thoughts from all of my endless thinking this year.

Humans are Flawed Beings

Some of us make mistakes. Some of us are intentionally malicious. Some of us simply do not know better. It's what we do after - when we've made the mistake, done the bad thing,  unknowingly made an error - that defines our character. 

Mistake makers and folks who don't know better until they know better are not the problem. Humans are flawed beings; it's how we all learn and grow. We fail, we try again, we succeed.

It's the people who are intentionally malicious, intentionally slanderous, intentionally evil and conniving and cruel - their time is up. 

This world is changing and there is absolutely no room for that kind of behavior - make no mistake. 

If there's one thing I've seen over this past year it's that there are far, far more good people in this world than evil doers and the good people are coming together to actively initiate change. 

We are not sitting on the sidelines. We are not keeping our mouths shut. We are not putting up with anything less than kindness, goodness, respect. We will not allow our boundaries, our trust, our lives to be broken - we will fight back at each and every turn, no matter how long or exhausting the battle. And we aren't selfishly fighting for ourselves, we're fighting for one another. 

We are the largest army in existence and we cannot be stopped.