Monday, June 11, 2018

Monday Mantra: Winding Down/Ramping Up

mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".

Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.

Monday Mantra: Trust your intuition, even when the reason for trusting it isn't clear

For quite some time now - three years to be exact - I've had this feeling. A feeling that change is coming in some seemingly significant way. So strong, this intuition of mine, that it's been directing my life and I've let it, trusting fully and completely that this deep, inner gut instinct is leading me on the right path to whatever it is that's coming.

Candidly, I can't quite put my finger on whether I'm winding down from something or I'm ramping up to something else. I suppose it could all be one in the same, but again, it feels too specific to water it down in that kind of a thought process.

What might be coming, though? Logically, the answer is kids. A new future entirely that would, indeed, be significant. But my instincts tell me that's not it. Or at least, that's not all of it. That it's not that straightforward and simple.

So...alien invasion maybe? We'll see.

I'm sharing this feeling with you today because I do believe that all of us possess a greater inner knowledge than we give ourselves credit for having. An inner knowledge that is unexplainable and, because of that, is often overlooked or ignored.

For instance, it might sound crazy when I tell you that I've turned down three jobs all because of The Feeling. One of them, in particular, could have opened up great doors for me, but my inner wisdom, my inner unexplainable gut knowledge said, "You could take it, but..."


But what? I don't know, friends. I just know that every fiber of my being wanted me to stay put, stay patient, and stay faithful.

Here's what I do know:

This is the last year. Of whatever I'm waiting for, whatever is coming. This is the end. I can't explain how I know, but I know. I could tell the moment The Feeling came on that it was just the beginning. I could tell when I was in the middle. And now I am undoubtedly sure this is it. Sometime, within this year, something will change.

My friend, who also has The Feeling from time to time and understands what I'm saying, asked me if I thought I would recognize when "the thing that's supposed to happen" happens. It was a good question. I've assumed all along that yes, I will immediately recognize it, whatever it is, once it takes place. Honestly, I kind of feel like the universe owes it to me, after all of my patience and waiting and trusting.

However, if I look back over my life collectively, I can tell you that on more than one occasion when I wasn't sure what I was waiting for, time passed and I didn't immediately notice what had come or gone or changed. It would be years later when I looked back that I then saw the trail of bread crumbs leading up to each and every moment I had been feeling, been waiting on, been instinctively believing in. A trail so clear that I can now draw lines pinpointing every teeny tiny thing that happened and how it connected to the bigger picture of my life.

And, so, I wait.

And wait.

And I encourage you to do the same.

If you are unsure of something, check in with your gut. If your instincts are telling you something, listen. If you have The Feeling, let it guide you, even if you have no idea what or where it might be leading. If there's one thing I know about not knowing what's going to happen, it's that I've never been led down the wrong path when I listened, when I waited, when I trusted. I am certain it will be the same for you. (It's a universal pinky promise; it can't be broken!)

Just wait. You'll see.

And so will I. Maybe this time The Feeling is simply my life adjusting itself to the future of having children. Or maybe I'll have my very own Clark Kent dropped out of the sky into my backyard. That would definitely not be a straightforward kid kind of situation.

Either way, I wait.

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