Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday Mantra: When You Just Can't, But You Have To Anyway

mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".

Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.

Monday Mantra: We've all been there
On a recent trip to Starbucks, my brain decided to stop working. Temporarily and at exactly the most inconvenient moment.

There was a long line of cars ahead of us and we were moving first. That's the key phrase here because the moving slowly part is what made my mind start wandering off, thinking about things like Buffy and Spike's relationship, which character on Friends I'm most like (the answer is Monica + Phoebe, in case you're curious), and how truly disappointing it is that I have made it this far in life and haven't had the chance to meet (and hug) a mini horse in person. I faux internet hug them all the time because, c'mon, they're adorable.

Anyway...when the line started picking up speed, I drove right along with all the other cars and right past the speaker when you're supposed to, you know, place your order. Now, I would've backed up, but the car behind me was pulling right along with me, so he ended up blocking most of where I needed to be. The car in front of me was just finishing their order, so I was stuck right in the middle of squat.

I heard the speaker buzz from behind and ask for my order. In my mind, the most logical thing to do was order at the window once the car in front of me left, so I real quick yell-explain my special situation back at the speaker and ask if I can drive up and order at the window, pretty please.

The Starbucks guy says he can hear me so to just go ahead and order. A normal person would be like, "F this, I'm not going to twist my head backwards and make this even more awkward for myself and the car behind me as I yell my order to everyone within a one mile radius." I am, however, not normal and embarrass myself on the regular, so I'm cool with it.
Me in my normal voice: "I would like a grande peach citrus white tea and a..." 
Starbucks Dude: "What? What was that?" 
Me in a slightly louder, more irritated, more enunciated voice because, duh, obviously this was going to happen: "I said a grrrrannnde peeeeach..." 
Starbucks Dude:"What size did you say?"
Me in my demon voice that I didn't even know I had: "I said a GRANDE! A WHITE PEACH CITRUS GRANDE and a STRAWBERRY GREEN TEA - GRANDE!" 
Starbucks Dude: "Cool. Sweetened or unsweetened?" 
Me: "...unsweetened..."
Then I calmly drive up to the window, pay the man, get my drinks, and leave. Oh, and my husband was in the car the whole time laughing at me, so there's that.

This is what you have to do when you're a grown up; when you just can't, and you clearly didn't, but you have no other choice so you just keep going until you can flee from the scene of shame and stupidity with your ice cold beverages.

There's no huge, overarching moral to this story, friends. Hopefully you had a good laugh.

Enjoy your Monday!

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