Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday Mantra: A Plan Without Plans

mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".

Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.

Monday Mantra: What if you just lived and let life happen?
I'm been re-visiting old memories. Old plans made with old friends based on what we thought our futures would look like. What we hoped out lives would turn into.

My friend, Ben, had a very specific future mapped out. The details were so breathtaking and so specific that when he asked me what I thought my future would look like, I was embarrassed. At that point in my life, the future seemed so terrifying and so uncertain that I didn't actually know what I would do or who I would be or how anything would turn out. Anytime someone would ask me a question about the future, I would default to the Every Person Five Year Plan: Go to college, get a job, get married- the norm. The safe answer. The answer people expected.

Ben's answer was the compete opposite. Unexpected and beautiful. Thoughtful and hopeful. My "plan" was nothing in comparison to his mountain and his house, his rocking chairs and his one-day grandchildren. I remember how exact this future, his future, was. How peaceful and serene. How, as soon as he started describing it, I could see it all as clearly as if I were watching a movie. I could see the sun setting, the children playing with kites out in a large field of wild grass. I saw the pale blue gray porch, the white wooden rocking chairs. I swear I could even feel the breeze on my skin.

Even now, I can recall in exact detail the picture he painted for me all those years ago. So crystal clear that I have to remind myself it's not a memory of something I actually experienced, it's merely a memory of a thought of someone's beautiful future plans.

That picture has never changed for me. It never changed for him either because his life ended not long after that night. His beautiful plans didn't stand a chance against what life brought him instead.

My life kept going. My unplanned, terrified of growing up, boring life. And, as life will do, it surprised me. Some of it was as expected: I did go to college, I did get a job, I did eventually get married. But many, many other things happened that I never would have dreamed, that would never have even occurred to me to consider.

I did not expect to live a life full of adventure. Not once did I think I'd travel all around the world time and time again, so smitten with this planet that I literally can't get enough of it. That no amount of destinations ever seems enough. That the more places I go, the more I cross off my list, somehow, someway, the list gets longer and longer.

My life is ordinary in many, many ways. In ways I probably could have assumed, so long ago. But I think the beauty in the unexpected ways is just that: I didn't expect a single one of them. No amount of planning I could have done as a teenager would have brought me here right now. And trust me, eventually I became a planning machine. But what I'm learning is that life has a way of going on without the plans you've made, taking you where it will, how it will, without your say.

So maybe the lesson here is having a plan without plans. Maybe the lesson is to simply live and, eventually, live your way into a life you most likely never would have imagined in the first place. Maybe it will resemble something you had imagined or maybe it won't. Maybe it will be better, maybe it will be worse. Maybe it will be both at times, as life tends to be. And maybe, just maybe, that's the way things are meant to be; uncertain, undefined, mysterious. Rebellious against all of our silly human ways of trying to control things we know nothing about, like the future.

I'm trying to tame my planning ways to allow more space for life to unfold as it should, without my interfering. Without my attempts to control it all the time. I'm trying to live life with a little bit more uncertainty, a little bit more openness to what may come.

I'm trying to embrace the greatest plan of all: the one that doesn't exist.

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Reflection of Shadows: Rust

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments


Take my heart; love it,
Break it.
Shape it in the way you
Hate it.
Mold it in a form that
You choose.
Smother it in lies that
Suit you.

Lift it up, then leave it
Leave it begging while you're
Leave it aching, hurting,
Walk away with your new

Take my heart that's filled
With trust,
And kill it with your
Toxic rust.
Drown it in your
Poison lies,
And watch it wither, wilt
And die.

Monday, January 22, 2018

A Practically Paleo Valentine's Dinner

Dinner is Served!

Want to impress that special someone with something delicious and (mostly) healthy? Look no further, friends. This won't take you much time at all.

First up, something to snack on.

Honey Drizzled Walnuts

 - 1 egg white
 - 1 TBSP water
 - 2 cups walnuts (halves and pieces)
 - 1/2 TSP apple pie spice
 - 1/2 TSP cinnamon
 - 1/2 cup honey

1. Preheat over to 225 degrees.
2. In a bowl, combine egg white and water. Beat until foamy. Add walnuts and toss to coat.
3. In a Ziploc bag, add spices and nuts. Seal and shake vigorously to coat the walnuts.
4. Place parchment paper on a pan and spread mixture evenly. Drizzle honey on top in zig zag pattern (approximately 1/2 cup).
5. Bake for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes or so. Remove and let cool. Coat with a little more honey, if you so desire.

These are great snacks, but they also work really well in salads!

Easy Crockpot Ribs

 - 2.5 lbs of ribs (I use grass fed)
 - 1 quart container of mushroom broth
 - 1 quart container of beef broth - (I use Pacific Natural Foods for my broths)
 - 1 diced onion
 - 1/4 cup Stubs BBQ Sauce- Original Flavor or 1/4 cup Better BBQ Sauce

Sprinkle in a little bit of the following herbs and spices: Garlic pepper (or dice up garlic cloves), cardamom, sea salt, paprika, pepper, ground mustard, chipotle, dulse, kelp, thyme, cumin, and basil. A lot, I know, but trust me. *wink wink*

The variety of herbs will not only make your ribs taste delicious, but they'll make you feel great as well. Each one does it's own special thing to help digestion, remove toxins, and promote better immune health.

1. Combine broths, spices and herbs, onion, and BBQ sauce in crockpot. Mix well, then add in ribs.
2. Cook ribs in crockpot on low for 6-8 hours, checking occasionally.
3. That's about it. I told you they were easy! Pull them out and eat, when ready.

If you like BBQ Sauce, I highly recommend using this Better BBQ Sauce recipe with these. Or with everything- it's that good. If you don't have time to make it, buy the version I mention, above. It's a healthy alternative to the homemade one.

Pair these with the Veggie Salad with Very Easy Vinaigrette or some roasted carrots (1 bag baby carrots, 2 TBSP's olive oil, 1 TSP rosemary. Mix together and bake in oven for 30-45 minutes, depending on how crunchy or soft you want them!).

This next recipe is easy, as it requires a prepackaged bag of gluten free cornbread mix from Pamela's. One thing I want to bring your attention to is that the bag states that it is dairy free, however, the recipe itself calls for butter. While it offers it's own variations on the bag, I have reformatted it slightly, below. Additionally, please excuse the lovely paper plate and plastic spoon picture. Fancy, I know. We're high class folks up in here!

Honey Cornbread 

Original Recipe taken from Pamela's Cornbread and Muffin Mix

 - 1 package of Pamela's Cornbread and Muffin Mix
 - 1/2 cup of honey
 - 2 large eggs
 - 1 cup water
 - 7 TBSP's of olive oil

1. Lightly grease an 8" square pan and preheat over to 375 degrees.
2. In bowl, combine mix, honey, eggs, water, and oil.
3. Pour into pan and bake for 23-25 minutes.
4. Serve warm, with some additional honey drizzled on top.

These are really, really, super-duper incredibly good. They could technically be considered dessert, but I have an alternate idea for you- up next!

This dessert is easy and delicious, but it does require an ice cream maker and needs to be made a day in advance.

Homemade Raspberry and Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream

Recipe taken and altered from The Ice Dream Cookbook by Rachel Albert-Matesz

Vanilla Ice Cream Base
 - 1/3 cup cold water
 - 2 tsp's agar agar powder (not flakes) or unflavored gelatin
 - 1/4 cup honey or agave (I used honey)
 - 1/4 to 1/2 tsp pure stevia extract powder or 1/2 to 1 tsp clear stevia extract liquid (start with less and add more as needed)
 - 1/8 tsp finely ground sea salt
 - 3 1/2 cups (or two 14 ounce cans) unsweetened, regular coconut milk (not the lite version)
 - 1 TBSP pure vanilla extract

Raspberry and Fudge Mix
 - 1 small container of fresh raspberries
 - 1 gluten free brownie, cut into small squares

Options: Add whole berries with fudge squares directly to ice cream or blend raspberries in blender with a TBSP of honey.

1. Add 1/3 cup of water to small saucepan. Slowly sprinkle in the gelatin or agar agar. Let stand for 2-5 minutes to soften. Warm over medium-low heat without stirring, until it dissolves. Scrape mixture into a blender and blend until smooth.

2. Add honey, stevia, sea salt. Blend. Add coconut milk and vanilla and blend until smooth. Do a taste test and add more stevia, if needed.

3. Pour into one or more wide-mouth jars. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours before churning. Make sure your ice cream maker is ready to go as well, by placing in the freezer overnight.

4. Once the appropriate time has passed, scrape the chilled mix into the ice cream canister. Churn according to manufacturers instructions. 

5. Once ice cream has reached the soft serve stage, add the raspberry and fudge mix, churning until it is fully mixed, about 2 minutes.

6. Serve immediately or freeze in freezer safe containers. If you freeze, it, when you're ready to serve, take ice cream out of the freezer and place in the fridge for 30-45 minutes, to soften, or on the counter for 15-30 minutes. 

Alternate Recipe: Cherry Vanilla Ice Dream
 - 1 cup frozen, unsweetened Bing cherries, placed in a bowl while frozen and allowed to thaw
 - 1 TBSP fresh lemon juice
 - 1 TBSP honey or agave nectar

1. Drain the cherries, saving the juices, and chop them on a cutting board.
2. Add cherry juices that were saved, honey, and lemon to cherries and mix.

3. At step 5 with the original vanilla base, add the cherry vanilla mix instead.


Friday, January 19, 2018

The Reflection of Shadows: Ashes

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments

(written to a tune)

Forever you said-
Forever is a lie.
Didn't even blink,
Stared me in the eyes.

You do it so well,
You're a natural.
Your personal disease-
There is no cure.

When you pull me close,
Silenced with a kiss,
Lies spilling over
From your lips.

Can't get the taste-
Can't get it out.
Traces of your lies,
Ashes in my mouth.

Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust,
Matches and fire
Scorching my trust.

It's easy for you,
It's easy to see.
Lying is your bible,
Compass and key.

It's what you know,
Your personal gift-
Words of poison,
Venom in your kiss.

Can you get the taste-
Can you get it out?
Traces of your lies,
Like ashes in your mouth.

Does it burn your tongue?
Do you crave the taste?
Of all the things you ruin,
All the things you waste?

Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust,
Matches and fire
Melting our love.

Smooth talking lover
Filling me with doubt.
Questions overflowing,
Questions spilling out.

I'm choking on your lies,
Choking on your kiss,
Dying from the lessons
Learned from your lips.

Can't get the taste-
Can't get it out.
Traces of your lies,
Ashes in my mouth.

They burn my tongue,
They make me ache.
All the broken promises,
Keeping me awake.

Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust,
Matches and fire
Are ending us.

Ashes to ashes
And dust to dust,
Bring on the fire,
Burn down this love.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Monday Mantra: Drawing a Line in the Sand

mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".

Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.

Monday Mantra: It's time to make some decisions
Drawing a line in the sand is a figure of speech used to demonstrate the idea that something (a thought, action, etc.) will not be supported past a certain point.

The end of every year draws an invisible line in imaginary sand allowing you an opportunity to start fresh yet again. To put the mistakes and errors and irritations of the past behind you so you can look to better, happier, brighter times.

Sometimes it's a job you need to leave. Sometimes it's a relationship, a friendship, a bad habit or hairdo. Sometimes it's a pattern of thinking that hasn't served you well.

Whatever your "thing/s" might be, have courage and patience. The changes you need to make may seem daunting, but along with that comes a feeling of freedom, once you become comfortable in your new normal, whatever that may be.

Look at your life, decide on needed change, and go forward into the new year with conviction that the lines you've drawn are there not to box you in or cut you off, but to show you just how far you've come time and time again.

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Reflection of Shadows: The Uprising

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments

The Uprising
(written to a tune)

Were you unaware
Of the feelings rising?
Were you unaware
Of the tired wait?

Were you unaware
Of all your missteps,
Being tracked and watched
And held for bait?

Were you unaware
That we were coming?
That we were done
Doing nothing.

Let me make this clear:
We're coming for you, dear.

Do you feel regret
For all your actions?
Do you feel regret
For your bad deeds?

Do you feel regret
Remorse awakening?
Or are you living
In denial's dream?

Do you feel regret
For lives unfurled,
For broken hopes
And dreams you murdered?

You will not forget:
We'll hold you to this debt.

Did you play the fool
For too long, darling?
Did you play the fool
To win the game?

Did you play the fool
To keep on bribing,
Keep them thinking
You were safe and tame?

Did you play the fool
To your advantage,
Or did you get lost
In your bad habits?

We outnumber you:
We're coming for the fools.

Monday, January 8, 2018

So You Ate a Bunch of Junk Over the Holidays...

Your 2018 "Get Back to Being Healthy" Plan

So you ate all the pies your mom made, cleaned out the leftovers, and dined on fast food just to survive the busy "I don't have time to cook" holiday season. That's just part of the holiday insanity (and fun), so don't beat yourself up. Instead, here are some tips and tricks to help you get 2018 off to a healthy start!

For a Good All Around Detox + Vitamin Boost: Seaweed, Your New Best Friend

Oh, seaweed, you miraculous salty sea treat, you. You're probably familiar with seaweed from eating sushi rolls, but there's so much more to it than just delicious sushi. Did you know that seaweed is one of the best foods out there when it comes to eliminating heavy metals from your body? Yep. It's also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Super bonus: it's packed with iodine, which most of us don't get enough of, ever. Here are some super easy ways to incorporate seaweed into your diet.
Thrive Market

Cooking with Seaweed Seasonings: Sea Seasonings has great options for cooking with different types of seaweed. I like the Kelp and Dulse varieties, as I feel they blend pretty easily into a variety of things without altering the flavor of whatever you're cooking. Hint: Your local grocery store will carry these, so no worries on where to find them.

Seaweed Snacks: These are easy and inexpensive and you can eat three packages without feeling guilty because the calories are so minimal. Nowadays, there are all kinds of fancy flavors you can try, but my favorite is the simple, traditional, normal seaweed.

Nori Wraps: Also known as the ocean version of a tortilla. Go to your local grocery store, get some Nori sheets (not snacks, completely different) and find a great smoked salmon. Layer one wrap with spinach, some sprouts, salmon, and avocado. Roll that baby up and enjoy. Super easy and super healthy.

What to Avoid: The seaweed salads you find in stores that are bright green. Natural seaweed is a dull, dark green color. There are some other colors, depending on the type of seaweed, but they're also not neon in color. Seaweed shouldn't glow, gang. If you see bright green (or bright in general), skip it. That's a clear sign it has food coloring in it.

For Your Tummy + Liver + Bye Bye Bloating: Dandelion Tea 

Dandelion tea has long been my go-to when I'm feeling a little under the weather, when I feel bloated, or when I know I've overdone it on the holiday treats. I'm such a big fan that I even bring a box of it with me on vacation to help me bounce back to normal after all the flying. It's a magical tea, I tell you.
Traditional Medicinals

For instance, because it's a natural diuretic, it helps your liver eliminate toxins more quickly. It's great for your immune system, great for your digestive system, and king of all teas when it comes to helping with water weight gain. It helps with circulation, balances blood sugar levels, and helps fight inflammation. This tea is practically a Swiss Army knife, gang.

Here's the thing: it's a strong, specific flavor that not everyone will love. Even I don't, but I've gotten used to it and, since I personally know how well it works, I'm willing to put up with my mild dislike of the taste to reap the benefits. My trick is steeping one bag of dandelion tea with one bag of peppermint (both from Traditional Medicinals). The flavor combo works wonders together. Some of you will love it and won't even need to use my trick, but some of you will definitely want to. (Don't let my personal opinion of the flavor deter you. This tea is straight up magic. It's a serious weapon against illness that you should employ on the regular.)

For Your Skin: Coconut Oil + Essential Oils

Your skin is your largest organ. It's also one that tends to get neglected and mistreated the most. We burn it in the summer sun, dry it out in the winter months. We demand that it look flawless from the neck up, but then scratch and shave and completely ignore the rest of it. It's time to start treating your skin like the important piece of you that it is.

Yes, lathering up with lotion is a good long as you know what's in your lotion. That can be tricky in this day and age of ingredients. My favorite before bed routine is lathering up with coconut oil, head to toe. Yes, it's an oil, so you don't want to go wild, but it absorbs into the skin easily and it doesn't mess up your clothes or sheets like some other oils do. Plus, it's antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal.

Bonus: It works wonders with essential oils. Find a small, round jar and fill it 3/4 of the way full with coconut oil. Choose an essential oil (or few) that you love. Lavender, for instance, is great before bed. Add about 10 drops to the jar of coconut oil, stir it up, then smother your skin in it.

Essential oils, in general, are down right awesome. Grapefruit is good for digestion, peppermint is great for colds and stuffed noses, rosemary and clove are healing in nature- and that's just a few of your options. If you suffer from dry scalp, try tea tree oil after shampooing. It seriously works wonders. You can also do an apple cider vinegar rinse plus the tea tree oil to really solve the problem fast.