Friday, July 27, 2018

The Reflection of Shadows: I Will Not Settle, Will Not Fall

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. - Oscar Wilde

I Will Not Settle, Will Not Fall

I will not settle,
Will not fall.
I'll build the walls
Then break them all.
I'll fight the fight
And keep on living-
I will not settle,
I will not give in.

I will not forfeit,
Will not break.
I won't deny
My destined fate.
I will not let
The demons rage,
I will not rush
Where I must wait.

I will not settle-
Settle never.
Not for you
Or your endeavors.
I'm worth the battle,
Worth the distance,
Worth the challenge-
Curse resistance.

I know my value,
Know my reasons,
Know that I can
Fight these demons.
Know that I am
Worth it all-
I will not settle.
I will not fall.

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Reflection of Shadows: I Remember

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments

I Remember

I remember: jogging down the street.
And I remember: the way you looked at me.
I remember the dreams we used to share,
But what I can't remember
Is why you went and where.

I remember: the way you lived your life.
And I remember: the crazy, funny nights.
I remember the way you wanted me,
But what I can't remember
Is why I didn't see.

I remember: you loving my red hair.
And I remember: the way you stopped to stare.
I remember your kisses on my hand,
But what I can't remember
Is why I let it end.

I remember: the music that we shared.
And I remember: the chains you used to wear.
I remember the way you touched my heart,
But what I can't remember
Is why we had to part.

I remember: buying you that shirt.
And I remember: how surprised you looked.
I remember it framed upon the wall,
But what I can't remember
Is why they didn't call.

I remember: the flowers that you brought.
And I remember: you in the parking lot.
I remember you spinning me around,
But what I can't remember
Is why you put me down.

I remember: the first time I saw you.
And I remember: you looking at me too.
I remember the nicknames that we had,
But what I can't remember
Is why I made you mad.

I remember: the outline of your hands.
And I remember: your house and all your land.
I remember your mom's tears hitting ground,
But what I can't remember
Is why I let you down.

I remember: too fresh and new and cold.
And I remember: the day that I was told.
I remember your headstone late at night,
But what I can't remember
Is why you had to die.

Happy birthday, my friend. Eternally 19.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday Mantra: 35 Before 35

mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".

Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.

Monday Mantra: Pursue your passions above all else
As long as there is open road the familiar has the most formidable competitor.  - Austin Kleon

Things I love, in order:

1) Family, friends, furry babies
2) Travel
3) Lord of the Rings

Number two is significant.

A little while back I set a goal for myself: to have traveled to 35 countries before my 35th birthday. On one hand, I completely believed I could make it happen. On the other, it seemed a little impossible given the time constraints. I knew I would get close, definitely, but actually hitting my target seemed out of reach. Nonetheless, I persisted.

The universe does magical things when you want something bad enough, friends. When you love something with all your being. When you've committed your heart and soul to it.

I didn't just hit my goal, I surpassed it (and with a solid buffer of time, might I add). *high fives self*

Am I pleased? As punch.

Am I satisfied? No.

I've been to six of the seven continents, I've traveled to 38 different countries, some on multiple occasions, and I've seen half of my own country. Is this enough?

Never, never, never.

Number wise, 38 sounds like a lot, but I've done the math, friends. It's not even a fourth of the world. If we generously round up, we can pretend. But mathematically speaking, I've seen a blip of what's out there. This miraculous, gorgeous, incredible world of ours is filled with more places than I can likely see in my lifetime, but that's not going to stop me from trying.

For instance, when I nonchalantly tell someone I have a travel bucket list, I literally mean I have a seven page document outlining all the international and domestic places I need to see, places I've already been and want to revisit, and when I think I'm going to make these adventures happen (determined primarily by my impatience to see them). The love I feel for traveling is real and deep and profound and, therefore, must be embraced.

Now, I ask you: What do you love?

What do you think about day and night, night and day, endlessly?

Do you want to own your own bakery? Become a photographer? Run for office? Sail around the world?

Go after your dreams, my friends. Do the things you love. Create a plan, post that sucker on a wall, and work towards it daily in whatever way you can. Everyone starts somewhere. I started with one country. That's how it works; you start, then you keep going.

Are your dreams so big you fear they're unreachable and, therefore, you've never started the process of achieving them at all?

Change your mindset.

I'll never be able to see every inch of this world, every city. I most likely won't be able to see every country, either. While I'd like to, while that's the ultimate goal, it's all the things along the way that make this journey amazing. It's all the other things I end up accomplishing that I never even would have considered or realized or thought possible.

Pursue the things you're passionate about. Every step you take, regardless of how far you get, is a step in the right direction.

Get going.