Friday, January 16, 2015

The Reflection of Shadows: Ode to my Dog

The Reflection of Shadows
A collection of moments

One of the happiest moments of my life was adopting my little furry baby, Samson. He is, undoubtedly, one of the best and most important parts of me. These are a little silly, but this little guy has my whole heart.

Ode To My Dog

He’s my beanie,
He’s my little German brown-eyed kiss of love.

Sambean -
He’s my main thing.
He’s my sun, my moon, and all the stars above.

He is my wean.
He is my teeny, tiny, mini loving machine.

He is my passion,
He is the compass to my heart and all I love.


Pulse, pulse, pulse
Of my
Heart, heart, heart
With your pitter and your patter
And your bark, bark, bark...
With your kisses, tail swishes -
What I cook you think’s delicious!
Little feet, feet, feet...
Samson bean, bean, bean.

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