A mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of "creating transformation".
Every Monday I will post a new thought, idea, or focus for the week. When you need a breather from life, when you need a little inspiration, or when you're about to jump over the conference table and strangle your co-worker, remember the mantra.
Monday Mantra: I will make today great
- Ayn Rand
Nothing did. Nothing super, amazing, and awesomely stupendous happened to me.
I didn't win the Powerball or a new car or anything at all, for that matter. In fact, I had my taxes done that day and I found out I was getting less back than the year prior. Not so great, in my book. That being said, I still feel like I had a great day because I went into the day deciding, no matter what, that it would be great. I decided to focus only on the great things in my life.
The sun was out that day and the temperature was perfect. I had food in my fridge and a puppy at my feet to snuggle with. I was alive and well, and it was a great day after all. I even thought to myself that, for all I know, something great could've been happening behind the scenes, in the background of my life, that I just haven't become aware of yet. It was all in the way I chose to see the day.
There are a lot of things in life I can't control, like the weather. And the IRS. But the one thing I can control is how I feel about a situation. How I perceive something to be. I am capable of deciding how I'm affected by everything.
We all hold within ourselves this amazing ability to determine how we feel about everything- people, situations, events, life. If we decide something's awful, it is. If we decided something's fantastic, it is.If we decide not to decide then we've still made a decision.
I'm choosing to decide that my days will be only how I determine them to be. Good, bad, or otherwise. It's all up to me.
What will you decide?
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